The Corporations Bureau (CB) incorporates your dreams into a new reality; a new normal that bridges your personal goals with your organization's corporate success.
1. Organizing your organization is essential. CB brings together all the resources and tools together into one virtual clearinghouse. Our members are encouraged to pull from these resources, that are FREE to you and are not limited. Ever.
2. CB is essentially a National Registered Agent of sorts; one of the many hats worn for the success of your new business start-up. For the first 12 months, the bureau administers the filing and incorporation documents of our members as their registered agent or the corporate contact which is required by each state division of corporations.
3. All 50 states adhere to various incorporation laws determined by that state's legislative body and/or Secretary of State. The Corporation Bureau has determined the best course of action, designated path that your business should take to best ensure its success. Use our contacts when you subscribe to CB that will surely make each step in the process much easier to navigate.
4. What we can guarantee is a level of service and efficiency that makes every step a valuable learning opportunity.
5. Rate the cost of the subscription against any of the other national organizations (i.e. Legalzoom.com, Bizfilings.com and etc.) and you will quickly see that by joining the bureau, it will become one of the best decisions you can make on behalf of your new business start-up.
Visit us at corporationsbureau@gmail.com to receive the two page application to get the ball rolling. You will be provided with all of the services that are going to be provided to you at NO COST. We do that so that you will further understand and appreciate the hundreds of dollars, proven resources that you will save up front. No rebates needed, no sales or hidden costs.
Subscribe to the bureau, a one time subscription of $79 annually will get your business heading in the right direction. State receipts will be provided to you to show you will only pay required state fees and nothing else for one full year. Others are not able to offer you this because they all of their profits are built into charging you for items that are already by law, extended to you for FREE. The Bureau won't do that.
Through education, administration and oversight, CB will provide the tools you need to succeed immediately.
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