Times are tight no matter what you do. You can find the resume and spend your time rewriting it ten ways for ten possible jobs, or you can invest your time following your dream. Continue your current career out of a sense of necessity or you can reinvent your career, with all the knowledge and skills you've earned over the years, and truly take charge of your life. This page shows you where to start on your new path as an entrepreneur, guiding you through all the first steps and giving you a firm foundation to build your new business.
If you've already got a sense of your new career direction, close this box and explore the Franchising, Financing, Small Business and Legal tabs. If you're starting from scratch, close the box and check out the Explore Entrepreneurship tab. By pressing the refresh button on your career, you gain an new perspective and new found appreciation on what it means to be your own boss and/or manage others.
Define what you think success is. Be ready to attack the untapped potential in the "niche markets". What is that exactly?, well, just remember that there is no need to re-invent the wheel to obtain success. Instead, re-inventing what you view as successful is going to go a long way.
Reinventing your career can mean looking beyond the obvious alternatives. More small businesses will be started in the next twelve months than in the last fifteen years and The Corporate Bureau wants to make certain that these newcomers to the "world of start-ups" are informed and prepared for the success to come.
If you are being downsized or have been downsized, consider this new path of promise. You've put your faith and trust in everyone else's ability, now find favor in your own. Your dreams can become just as much of a reality as they last employer you worked for. Your time is now.
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