With the help of CNN Money, we wanted to present to you the top 100 cities in the nation where the conditions and benefits are plentiful and conducive to launch a new business.
Consider many of these locations based upon the industry choice(s)that your organization may support. Relocation is not always the way to go, however The Corporations Bureau can assist you in obtaining many of the benefits, i.e. taxes, stimulus benefits and etc., by incorporating your dreams into reality in one of these top 100 cities.
As you may see, we've added the current population of the top 100 cities in the nation where starting your new business may really impact your overall plan. As a tip, review census numbers (www.census.gov) to best identify your demographic (potential customers).
1 Bellevue, WA 111,608
2 Georgetown, TX 37,963
3 Buford, GA 13,576
4 Marina del Rey,CA 8,891
5 Bethesda, MD 59,475
6 Portland, OR 535,421
7 Denver, CO 555,932
8 Charlotte, NC 596,123
9 Fort Worth, TX 595,062
10 Franklin, MA 29,642
11 American Canyon, CA 12,484
12 Durham, NC 204,135
13 Manchester, NH 113,417
14 Virginia Beach, VA 445,875
15 Salt Lake City, UT 184,550
16 Novato, CA 48,410
17 Santa Fe, NM 65,433
18 Charlottesville, VA 40,877
19 Boise, ID 203,649
20 Raleigh, NC 316,978
21 Iowa City, IA 64,933
22 Omaha, NE 399,820
23 Minneapolis, MN 374,956
24 Fargo, ND 96,029
25 Scottsdale, AZ 232,929
26 Louisville, CO 19,402
27 Bellingham, WA 73,357
28 Colorado Springs, CO 396,436
29 Naperville, IL 149,600
30 Lyndhurst, NJ 19,699
31 Leesburg, VA 46,645
32 Carlsbad, CA 90,536
33 Hamden, CT 59,329
34 San Antonio, TX 1,251,086
35 Cambridge, MA 102,158
36 Stafford, TX 25,607
37 Radnor Township, PA 31,675
38 Worcester, MA 179,719
39 Fort Collins, CO 127,443
40 Olympia, WA 46,605
41 Asheville, NC 69,447
42 Ann Arbor, MI 119,016
43 Blacksburg, VA 40,161
44 Oro Valley, AZ 35,750
45 Sioux Falls, SD 137,222
46 Madison, WI 222,428
47 Gainesville, FL 95,392
48 Corvallis, OR 49,124
49 Owings Mills, MD 22,291
50 Greensboro, NC 231,720
51 Doral, FL 32,557
52 Plainsboro, NJ 21,608
53 Rochester, MN 94,583
54 Reno, NV 210,055
55 Dover, DE 36,646
56 Winston-Salem, NC 195,821
57 Zionsville, IN 10,893
58 Bethlehem, PA 75,448
59 Syracuse, NY 144,755
60 Pittsburgh, PA 320,335
61 Northport, NY 7,700
62 Blue Ash, OH 11,948
63 Lincoln, RI 22,314
64 Fairfield, CT 58,490
65 State College, PA 39,185
66 San Jose, CA 895,535
67 Honolulu, HI 383,424
68 Ventura, CA 108,143
69 Danville, CA 45,093
70 Fort Lauderdale, FL 167,255
71 Missoula, MT 58,781
72 Brookfield, WI 39,955
73 Orlando, FL 204,524
74 Columbus, IN 40,065
75 St. Cloud, MN 64,267
76 Folsom, CA 68,912
77 Spokane, WA 202,618
78 San Luis Obispo, CA 45,015
79 Nashville, TN 547,983
80 Rochester, NY 215,119
81 Charleston, SC 103,756
82 Fayetteville, AR 66,914
83 Rio Rancho, NM 60,655
84 Cheyenne, WY 55,870
85 Lemay, MO 16,524
86 Huntsville, AL 167,345
87 Bend, OR 64,917
88 Brunswick, ME 15,204
89 Billings, MT 94,088
90 Sarasota, FL 55,241
91 Ames, IA 51,681
92 Prescott, AZ 40,471
93 Edmond, OK 74,400
94 West Des Moines, IA 52,538
95 Coeur d'Alene, ID 39,617
96 Eugene, OR 141,165
97 Kansas City, MO 454,337
98 Henderson, NV 241,011
99 Savannah, GA 129,333
100 Colchester, VT 17,612
Although the cities are vitally important as to the specificity of the demographic your oranization may be pursuing, Incorporating and receiving the tax benefits that each city may provide derives from the state inwhich that city is located in. Let us help strategize and custom your filing documents so that you receive the greatest impact of your decision.