Be realistic about your true desires to start a business. Let's be fair however, there are many reasons to launch into your own ventures, yet, be certain that your committment level is on par with the amount of smoke you preparing to blow.
What is the smoke? I often say, business cards and letter-head can easily represent the expensive smoke we tend to blow. What makes it smoke? The cost new entrepreneurs pay to "look" like a business is far more than should be alotted. Instead, spend your "smoke" funds on actually doing business rather than just looking like a business. Smoke.
Many entrepreneurs place fortune first on their list of goals. After deeper thought, however, they usually find that the accumulation of money, while certainly important, is not necessarily where they derive their greatest satisfaction.
Keep in mind, just because you've unveiled your new website does not mean your host server will jump offline the next business day. That's smoke! Think of it as a bubble. They're all very pretty and if you look real close, you may lose yourself in the gaze of swirling colors on its surface, yet, all bubbles will burst. If you fail to give someone your home address, you will never get mail in your mailbox. Just the same, your web address will get no visits without the necessary work.
A healthy love of self is another key drive of entrepreneurs. They are very comfortable seeing their name in lights—or (more commonly) on company letterhead. Making their mark on the world is part of why they struck out on their own in the first place.
Many solo entrepreneurs seek a better way to balance the competing demands of their home and professional lives. They want to be able to spend more quality time with their families, and they want to provide a good livelihood for their loved ones.
As the head of your own ship, steer clear of the fantasy islands. The information lighthouse is there to help you from running aground! The promise land may truly be on your horizon, but keep in mind the earth is not flat! You may have to go a round or two before you truly find your way.
Not surprisingly, more important than money to many entrepreneurs is the ability to call their own shots. Many turn down better-paying jobs because they place a high value on working for themselves; they want to set their own schedule, to ensure that it honors the needs of both their clients and their family. And they want the freedom to pursue new prospects when these come along.
There often isn’t a lot of tolerance (or respect) for self-expression in the corporate workaday world. Entrepreneurs, in general, are creative individuals who need an environment in which they can express their personalities in the context of a business. Incorporating a sense of self is also the way they ensure that those intangible inner, spiritual needs are met.
Not surprisingly, more important than money to many entrepreneurs is the ability to call their own shots. Many turn down better-paying jobs because they place a high value on working for themselves; they want to set their own schedule, to ensure that it honors the needs of both their clients and their family. And they want the freedom to pursue new prospects when these come along.
There often isn’t a lot of tolerance (or respect) for self-expression in the corporate workaday world. Entrepreneurs, in general, are creative individuals who need an environment in which they can express their personalities in the context of a business. Incorporating a sense of self is also the way they ensure that those intangible inner, spiritual needs are met.
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